On the stage, there is a war. A war where all forces unite to appear great, mercilessly crushing the seemingly smaller ones…

It's a war where the true grandness of the small is not recognized. A war where the oppressor uses all means, and in front of everyone, children, women, and the elderly are ruthlessly killed with fervor.

It's a war that you don’t find rightful, one where you wonder, "Why is no one speaking out?" As you hear about it, watch it, and contemplate, your heart burns. You think, "Can I do anything?" It's a war where you ponder, "What can I do for them?"

You did something in your own world. You provided financial aid, attended rallies, prayed, and shared on social media. Yet, it wasn't enough. You couldn't alleviate the guilt within. You decided to "boycott" the oppressor and their products.

You didn't buy it!!! 


You avoided the oppressor's blood-stained sweater, detergent, shoes, and coffee... You'll continue like this for a while, perhaps partially making an impact. 

But what will you really become? 

The real war might be beyond what is visible. Maybe you didn't buy the boycotted brand, but you bought unnecessary shoes from another brand. You felt sorry for the child on TV without parents, but you slapped your own child for breaking a glass.

You pitied the condition of women, saying they were in tatters, but you spent minutes admiring yourself in front of the mirror.

You listened with a burning heart to the cries of the elderly but shouted "oh well" at your own parents. Who is in a worse situation? Those oppressed in the war or yourself? You'll boycott the oppressors, but what will you do for yourself?

For those who, 

Despite knowing the truth, indulge in falsehood and fear facing reality; 

those who avoid paying the price and continue to consume readily; 

those who sell their beauty; 

those who solely focus on consumption; 

those who spend whatever comes; 

those who cannot start production; 

those who constantly distract their conscience in every process…

Who are they?

Can you boycott those who only momentarily suppress their desires? Can you stay firm, blocking your ears to the whisperers of your ego? Do you have the firmness to reject the embellishments of one who never cares for you, not even a bit, and wishes not a single ounce of happiness for you?

Can you, with a voluntary sacrifice, declare with the stance of Ismail, "Only the devil can turn me away from my path"? See how you are losing the internal battle, how your ego is winning the war, how it is tearing you apart and inflicting irreversible wounds.

See now. First, recognize the real oppressor and turn toward the war with your own ego. When it's said, "Today, your own ego is enough to judge yourself," it is not in vain. Boycott your ego with sincere repentance.

If you are sincere, surely the supporting forces, armies, may come close, perhaps right next to you, but you won't see them. Don't be afraid! Let your enemy circulate in your veins, your Helper is closer to you than your jugular vein. 

May your boycott be blessed...

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9 Yorumlar

  1. The real enemy is not the outside world it is our ego that lives inside us.

  2. Very effective and full with meaning

  3. Thank you for sharing this with us as well

  4. I love the point of view, made me think once àgain. Thank you for addressing like this

  5. “Boycott you ego” , powerful saying. Thank you

  6. Whiten your inner world, will whiten your surroundings. United together towards a purpose.
    Don't underestimate small steps.

  7. How timely!

    Boycotting some products/brands or even going out in the streets to protest and chant against the atrocities might definitely help this cause, I'm not belittling the efforts, but on an individual level they should go beyond a sense of relief... Because being just and on the side of truth can be better proven, in our day2day life, by how we talk, walk, consume treat others etc. In short, how we show up and respond to things matters a lot... mastering in details of life is as important as grand gestures, if not more so..

    Thank you for the inspiration:)

  8. Today, your own ego is enough to judge yourself…

    Thank you so much for enlightening and inspiring us!

  9. Meaningful words
