"Living for Our Children: We Missed the Life, Let Our Child Enjoy It"

Ahmet was the only child in his family. As his parents had children at a late stage in life, they poured all their love onto him. From young ages, his every word was a decree at home. Now a high school teenager, Ahmet spends his time scrolling through trendy social media sites on his state-of-the-art mobile phone.

Despite the substantial fees his family paid for his education, school never seemed interesting to him. Why did he have to go to school anyway? His father was already a wealthy businessman, and Ahmet believed that he would never face financial problems throughout his life. Therefore, Ahmet thought there was not much reason for him to work.

Little did Ahmet know that in life, to develop skills and preserve what one has, one must pay their own dues. Because people only value what they have earned. 

As one pays the price in life, they increase their sense of deserving.


However, at that time, Ahmet was not aware of this.

In the following years, Ahmet leaned more towards entertainment and spent more time outside with his friends. His friends, like him, were children of wealthy families with no financial worries. While preparing for university, he and his friends spend their time in entertainment venues. Most of his friends were already drinking, so he started drinking as well. Meanwhile, he also got a girlfriend.

Although his mother was concerned with Ahmet's lifestyle, his father didn't push him too hard. "Let the boy enjoy himself; we couldn't do it in our time," he would say. After all, he had the means to support his son.

After finishing high school, Ahmet did not continue to university. His father brought him into his company to work. Initially, he started working in the production department of the fabric factory. Controlling the production line and moving among the machines was not his cup of tea. He quickly grew bored with it. Then his father placed him in the sales department, but he couldn't stay there for long either.

After working in almost all departments for a few months each, he told his father that this job was not for him. He wanted to start his own business and be his own boss.

What could he do? He had no experience. Opening a café, which was trendy at the time, came to his mind. Since he didn't have the money, he asked his father for capital. Although his father initially refused, he eventually gave him what he wanted and even provided extra support.

This business, too, was built on a lack of commitment. However, Ahmet wanted to be his own boss and chat with his friends easily. He had no idea about running a café. Of course, soon after opening, Ahmet, confronted with reality, realized that this business was not for him.

 Handling both customer service and accounting proved to be too much for him. He had to shut down the café. This venture had cost his father dearly.

Avoiding responsibilities and the dues he had to pay, Ahmet became even more inept and dependent on his father's money over the years. Ahmet had advanced deeply into the trap of comfort...

Parents think they are doing a favor to their children when they provide them with every kind of support economically. However, this causes their children to become more inept and powerless in the face of life.

Ahmet began to feel more and more unhappy and unsuccessful. He expressed his desire to marry his girlfriend from high school to his family. But he didn't even have a job yet. His father stepped in again, and they had an extravagant wedding in the city's most luxurious venue. He even gave him a house and a car as gifts. After all, Ahmet would find a job sooner or later.

They had hoped for a happy marriage, but the happy beginning did not last long. They were constantly fighting. They decided to separate less than a year after the wedding. Ahmet, trapped in comfort, had high expectations from his wife. He believed she couldn't meet his expectations. Although the reason for the marriage was Ahmet's wealth, she had not found what she had hoped for in the marriage either.

Meanwhile, the economic crisis affected Ahmet's father's business, which started to decline. The company, unable to pay its debts due to a rapid decline, went bankrupt. Now, his father had to cut off his support to Ahmet. Ahmet managed to survive for about a year, but living by begging from people was impossible.

Now, the only thing for him to do was to find a job and work. This was initially very challenging for him. With no experience, no one wanted to hire him. The only job he could find was working as a waiter in a restaurant. He couldn't accept it, but he had no other choice. His father wasn't providing money, and he had to stand on his own feet now.

Wasted school life, unsuccessful business attempts, a failed marriage. Worse than all, is his current situation. It was unbelievable. How had he ended up like this?...

As they say, "The truth hurts." When a person realizes the truth after indulging in falsehood, the price they have to pay is high, making the truth painful. Unpaid dues grow like an avalanche and confront a person.

People always run after fake solutions to solve their problems. Fake solutions that they think will make them happy... They want to get everything the easy way, expecting others to solve their problems instead of working themselves.

This also leads to the spread of problems to other areas of life.

However, in life, those who put in effort become stronger. This is one of life's truths.

The reality of raising a child is to make them pay their own dues so that they can develop skills in life. A child whose every need is met by their parents becomes less skilled and becomes someone who always seeks solutions to their problems from others.

If there are too many fake things in a person's life, they become indifferent to the truth. Eventually, as in Ahmet's story, life brings a person face to face with reality.

People want to avoid paying their dues. The more they avoid it, the more they lose the right to reach the truth. However, no one can escape their own dues.

Afterward, it's just an unhappy life filled with fake relationships, fake experiences, and fake gains...

Most of the problems we experience in our lives arise from not being able to make the right choice between the fake and the real.

The truth is consistent, understandable, and constantly beneficial. Fake things provide momentary pleasure but always result in loss in the end.

Fake solutions are shortcuts. People think the problem is solved at that moment, but the problem grows and comes back later.

The truth demands a price...

And the truth always comes true...

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5 Yorumlar

  1. It is parents who weakens the children. Cpmfprt trap, that is a very true point that families fall.

  2. I would give my fortune to learn the law of the comfort trap sooner.

  3. So true.. excellent writing

  4. Dependent life living is our common mistake .

  5. Such a common problem among parents of today.. and the youth..

    They should equip people with these tools (knowledge) at school -secondary or elementary level- so that they can navigate their lives much easily, make right choices and avoid fakeness, eventually big losses...

    Great piece, thank you!
