They say water flows and finds its way...

They say water flows and finds its way...

Or it progresses by forging its path.

Sometimes it flows gently on the surface of the earth,

Other times, it gathers whatever it can in its path,

But it always finds its way and moves forward.


What about humans...

Humans often deviate from the path,

Many people get lost, unable to find their way.

They blame others, can't see their own mistakes,

Humans deceive themselves...

They believe it makes sense to consume before earning and that interest is logical,

They believe most illnesses are not caused by unhappiness and stress,

They believe things that harm their health are necessities, being deceived and persuaded.


Humans become selfish...

When they only use the word "trust" in their speech,

When they narrate business ethics as a thing of the past,

When they use concepts like civilization, science, religion, love, democracy, and professionalism for their benefits, they gradually become more selfish.


They ignore...

The normalization of blatant homosexuality,

The widespread increase in divorces and the decrease in families,

The neglect of orphans and widows,

They ignore and do not see mothers becoming killers of the babies in their wombs.

There are certainly those who want to walk on the right path,

People who are constantly forced off the path,

They get angry too...

To witness the injustice suffered by the righteous,

To the surrender of justice from the conscience of people to the laws,

To the submission of rights from the just to the powerful,

They get angry at the individualization of people in societies.


However, all of these are signs.

It is a sign that water can no longer find its way on its own and is beginning to overflow;

It is a sign of a violent flood, a great earthquake.

All of these are indicators that people are becoming thoroughly corrupted.

However, people do not realize all these and deviate further from the right path.


They only look at the visible and convenient reasons for themselves....

When their homes and shops are submerged, they only find the reason in infrastructure,

When dozens of people die in an earthquake, they blame the contractor,

They either get angry at the municipality or curse the state,

Blaming others, or praising the government,

People ignore their own actions or inactions.


What will humans do then?

How will they find the right path and regain the lost meaning of life?

With a knowledgeable guide...

From the beginning of creation, just like now, humans should embrace a guide.

To be able to look back at what makes them angry, deceived, selfish, and ignored, humans need a guide.

When the guide points to the signs that indicate the governor of the order designs the final scene and provides a prescription for the solution, giving the measure, humans need a guide.

When the measure is given to humans, the importance of who says what will no longer matter.

Humans will be able to distinguish between the fake and the real.

For his purpose, he will be able to draw the path for the water instead of following the path that water takes

Just as humans disrupt the order with their hands, they fix it themselves.

They will separate black and white until there is no gray in between.

This will only happen when they find the right guide who will give them the support.

When they find a guide who gives them support and has a solid and correct sourcebook that clearly shows the right path in their hands, humans should act...

Not like a leaf carried away by the current on the water...

But by saying, "Life must have a meaning!" and directing the flow.

In the final scene;

To be the one who salutes the real audience,

Humans must come to themselves to bow with respect.

Humans must find that life has a meaning.

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3 Yorumlar

  1. "Why do we live?" This is the ancient question that human is trying to know. Indeed it is not that difficult, you juct need to learn where to look.

  2. To find the meaning of the life, first you need to look for that!

  3. "When the measure given to the humans, , the importance of who says what will no longer matter."

    "You are so generous." What is the measure in being generous.
    "You are so hasty." What is the difference between being hasty and being quick.
    "You are so polite." What is the difference between being smarmy and being polite.

    Experiential Design Teaching gives these measures for us, its value start here.
