For centuries, mankind's curiosity about how the order on earth works has turned into a journey to improve the quality of life. The attempt to understand what seems to be random or accidental revealed that life is a place full of mysterious and secretive answers and that one should be able to perceive and interpret them. That's where science and wisdom were born. Although they came up with the same objectives, they were separated by the issues they considered. While it is the subject of science to reach laws by using concrete events through methods and experiments and basing them on reality, it is the subject of wisdom to examine abstract events within a certain systematic framework and base them on laws again.

Philosophers of science have divided science into different classes and branches. All the branches of science have taken on a question as a subject area that must be answered in life. Based on these questions, it deciphers the tangible laws by observation and observation-based thinking that link events in life. Science uses scientific methods to decipher concrete laws. These methods have an experimental approach. So in science, it's about laws that can be perceived by the five senses, the effects of which are immediately visible. Even though science and wisdom are differentiated according to the subjects they focus on, they unite at one point. Because the reality is one. Reality doesn't vary by time, environment, or by person. If they both pursue reality, their paths need to cross somewhere. 


Experiential Design Teaching is wisdom of reality. It's an information technology that separates the true from the false in everything that a person needs in life. It focuses on the abstract laws of life that have never changed before, and will never change after. With the laws being made out it aims to make people live a better life. 

Experiential Design Teaching uses scientific methods at the highest level while exposing abstract laws. That's why it's very closely related to science. It uses scientific reliability  methods to test all the laws that are made out by scientific research methods. As in science, it aims to ensure that all laws defined within a system apply to all situations and subjects. Laws that are brought to open do not produce contradictory results. Each piece of information is linked to another piece of information based on a common law.

For this reason, consistency, which is the method of scientific certainty, is what makes the information revealed by the Experiential Design Teaching systematic in itself. Each piece of information supports and proofs the subsequent information.

The reason that Experiential Design Teaching has reached the present day and has been widely accepted is the coherence of the laws it decoded and the strategies it unveiled. This is mainly based on the scientific methods that it uses.

Just as consistent knowledge in science opens the door to another knowledge, so every knowledge described in the Experiential Design Teaching opens a door to other knowledge. It is therefore possible to see the trace of many of the laws described in science. Experiential Design Teaching explains the laws it sets out by example in all subjects. These laws are as powerful in human relationships, happiness, and success as they are in medicine, engineering, social and human sciences: 

  • The law of a resilient building and the law of persistence in the difficulties faced by humans depends on the same law.  
  • The secret of a productive relationship is the same as the law of an efficient motor. 
  • The law that the cobweb applies to networking is the same as the law of growth in business.
  • The law under which plants behave in dry and wet climates is the same as the law of human behavior in famine and abundance. 

Just as there is a cause for physical events on earth that appear to be coincidental through scientific laws, so many behavioral and psychological events that seem to be without cause have a cause that can be explained by abstract laws. Because we don't know the abstract laws, we can't understand the reactions of the people facing us. 


It's like this: think of an observer who wants to determine the relationship between the melting point of matter and pressure. It is obvious that the melting point has something to do with pressure. With ice melting on one side and copper on the other, this observer can see that when the pressure rises, the ice will melt easily, but the melting point of copper will rise even more. So the observer concludes that the pressure sometimes lowers the melting point and sometimes increases. However, there is a secret chemical law in the details of this experiment about state change. Whenever we ignore the detailed laws of that matter, we think that life is nothing more than improvisation. Sometimes, when a person doesn't know the detailed laws of events or problems he encounters, he makes such an inference. That's why he's late in reaching his goal. It prevents him from being happy. It makes it harder for him to succeed etiher.


From the laws of thermodynamics to the fundamental assumptions of magnetism, the most fundamental subjects of physics do not recognize the existence of an emptiness in nature, like Experimental Design Teaching also does not accept any emptiness in life. This is just one of the points where Experimental Design Teaching and science overlap. The laws of physics say a glass is half full of water and the other half is full of air. Experiential Design Teaching states that the information that a person takes into his life is either useful or harmful. Everything that does not benefit will definitely cause harm. So every act and every move that a person has done in life brings him closer to benefit or harm. 


Similarly, in Experiential Design Teaching, it is possible to see that many of the abstract laws given do not contradict, but support, the basic assumptions of science. The main reason for this is that both of them are united in searching for the truth, which is a common goal. The curiosity of reality, which is at the heart of science, is the origin of Experiential Design Teaching. 


Just as science decodes concrete laws for the continuity of life for the benefit of mankind, so the Experimental Design Teaching decodes abstract laws that eliminate the uncertainty in the human mind. Knowing these laws of life that have not changed so far and will never change afterward is a great comfort to man.




Yorum Gönder

4 Yorumlar

  1. Wisdom and science are originally similar. Both aim to reach reality.

  2. Both Science and Wisdom seek to explain the reality of existence, but while science focuses on details, wisdom seeks to understand the whole and then explain the details.

  3. It saves time, energy, and money to use workable strategies, in this case, abstract laws, for improved living standards

  4. It's a great comfort to have predictive power for things to come. Knowing the abstract laws of life (and human communication) sounds relaxing
