A pregnant woman...

She was in the hustle of preparing her baby for life in the best possible way. She followed the most successful pedagogues in her field, preparing for motherhood by reading their books.

After 9 months of impatient and challenging anticipation, her baby was born.

When she held him in her arms, the feelings she experienced were so different, and she had promised herself to protect him no matter what. She had to make the healthiest choices for her baby; from food and clothing to toys, school, and profession...

As the baby grew, the woman was the one making the right decisions for him.

When the child tried to choose from the options in front of him, she suddenly said "No," not allowing it. Because she thought about his well-being...

The mother continued to implement what she read according to her desires, unaware of how she was harming her child. She didn't allow the child to solve even the simplest problems that he should overcome on his own. The woman was solving problems on his behalf. So, were problems there for his mother to solve?

Every time a problem was solved, the child became more unable to solve his problems. The child, not given the opportunity to make mistakes, naturally couldn't learn how to deal with them when they occurred.

The mother thought she was doing the best, but the reality was different...

"Human beings are creatures that become skilled by solving problems."

Years later, the child had grown up.

He became an adult who couldn't make his own decisions, take steps, had low self-confidence, couldn't find a job on his own, and was afraid of making mistakes. He struggled constantly with the options in front of him. He worried about "What if I'm unhappy, what if I make a mistake, can I handle it?" every time he made a decision. Even in the smallest problem, he blamed his mother and shouted at her.

Every decision he couldn't make and every problem he couldn't solve put more pressure on him. When he realized he made a wrong decision, he turned into an unhappy person who didn't know how to cope...

A good parent is not someone who decides for their child but raises them to be able to make the right decisions. It is the one who gives them the skill to distinguish between good and bad. The quality of a person's choices comes from trying to find solutions to the problems they encounter in life. Yes, everything in life may not go as we want, and we may not reach our goals. The point is to make an effort and, when we get negative results, be able to ask ourselves, "Where did I go wrong?" Because every successful person made mistakes and learned from them. But unfortunately, the mother, not wanting her child to make mistakes, made decisions on his behalf, and as a result, raised a child who couldn't take action, was indecisive, and was afraid to make mistakes.

Wishing for clarity of consciousness to be able to make our own decisions without falling into the illusion of seeing other people's decisions as fate...


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4 Yorumlar

  1. People are not able to raise kids properly, and can't figure Out What the real problem is. And eventually they think its nothing to do with them, its not their fault. This is a common mistake. A complete misunderstanding of a life.. that is so painful. detect the real problem and solve it. experiential teaching is giving the method .. I have to tell you that it is really working.

  2. So inspiring!

    Thank you for sharing...

  3. Thanx for reminding parental mistakes.. try to walk with somebodys shoes is important. But not dominate his decisions

  4. Thanx for reminding parental mistakes.. try to walk with somebodys shoes is important. But not dominate his decisions
